How are Ownership Documents and titles transferred for vehicles purchased in Florida by Florida residents?

If you reside outside the state of Florida or are an international customer, you are exempt from Florida state sales tax.

Vehicles which are located in Florida and purchased by Florida residents are subject to auction fees, AutoBidMaster’s transaction fee, a documentation fee of $369, state sales tax of 6%, and a county discretionary sales surtax (based on the buyer’s county of residence). Please see here for more detailed information.

A Florida registered member/export/import company that buys vehicles for resale and will immediately export them outside of Florida (documentation required) is exempt from Florida sales tax, provided we are notified about your intent to export the vehicle prior to its purchase and a resale certificate is provided.

When ownership paperwork arrives from the auction, we process and sent it to the tag agency. Then an electronic title is created. Once new title is issued, you can go to the local Tax collector's office and obtain a printed copy.

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